I’m going to post tiny introductions this week to some of the characters from Your Silent Face (which is also now available at the Apple Book Store).
Obviously, gotta start with the narrator, since it’s his “cassette.”
“I found it interesting how select shit like sending a wet bathing suit down the clothes chute or picking the stewed tomatoes out of the spaghetti sauce was unthinkable in this house but allowing the neighborhood kids to press their gross noses against the screen while we tried to eat dinner in peace was acceptable.”
Stuart Page is a first gen college student who grew up in the 70s and 80s on the East Side of Flint, Michigan. Generally speaking, Flint’s reputation of being a tough, hard-drinking, blue-collar General Motors town precedes any discussion of its history and contributions to American cultural.
Stuart is perhaps first and foremost a New Wave music geek, but he’s been influenced by others and has other areas of interest, as well. Like chess.
He’s a product of working class people and a Catholic school education.
He obsesses upon the artistry and suicide of Ian Curtis, the leader singer of defunct British post punk band, Joy Division.
Stuart is the cassette upon which the story of Your Silent Face has been recorded. He’s home, back on the East Side, after his freshman year of college. The whole story unspools from his head. The ghosts of his memories compete for just as much air time as his current observations.