Spooky Action at a Distance, 2020
acrylic, house, gouache, spray & colored pencil on canvas, 20”x16”x1.5”

Leaving the Children Behind, 2021
acrylic, house, spray, gouache, pencil, colored pencil, crayon on paper, 30”x22”

The Shape of Things to Come, 2021
acrylic, house, spray, colored pencil & crayon on paper (Stonehenge aqua 300lb), 30”x22”

L' enchevêtrement, 2020
acrylic, house, spray, gouache, oil paintstick & colored pencil on canvas, 30”x24”

One Day We Could Point at What Did Not Used to Be There, 2020
acrylic, oil paintstick, enamel & crayon on packing paper, 10”x10”

Year One, 2020
acrylic, house, metallic spray, graphite & color pencil on watercolor paper, 15”x11”

The Disillusioned, the Loved & the Future, 2020
acrylic, spray, graphite & colored pencil on watercolor paper, 16”x12”

One Day We Will Look Up & There Will Be a Portal & All the Ships Will Be Entering Our Sky Like Baby Spiders Hatching from an Egg, 2020
acrylic, house, spray & oil paintstick on loose canvas, 55”x32”