Digitizing the Art: Learning the Tools by Tim Lane

I had a severe urge to draw the other day. So I got out the oil paintsticks and a large piece of paper. When I was done the proportions were off, so I decided to move over to a digital format. After taking a photo of the drawing, I uploaded the image to my iPad Pro and continued working on the piece with the drawing tools in Procreate. With sketch, drawing and paint strokes tools, I was able to maintain a lot of the original hand-drawn appearance.

Of course, I couldn’t stop there. Later, I pushed the original digital image in different directions in an effort to continue learning the Procreate tools. It is actually a lot of fun. There is a lot to learn. The results are below.

Original artwork can be found in the galleries and, of course, in the shop.

Art 2000-2024 by Tim Lane

Here’s a look at one piece from almost every series I worked on from 2000 to 2024.

2000: collage series, poster board

2001: Statue of Liberty series

2002: fortune cookie series

2003: muscle man series

2004: trio of feet seriers

2005: muscle man series continued

2006: lamb series

2007: tribute to Ian Curtis series

2008: presidents and soccer players series

2009: soccer players series

2010: joy n shit series

2011: stars series

2012: ( no piece)

2013: mohawk series

2014: selfie series

2015: pixelation series

2016: selfie series continued

2017: BLM series

2018: double-universe topography series

2019: the sublime series

2020: the sublime series continued

2021: the sublime series continued

2022: astronauts angels engines roses portals series

2023: astronauts roses black holes portals space series

2024: new work

You can see all the work in the galleries.


A Look at 2024, So Far by Tim Lane

Nineteen works so far in 2024. Will I get to an even twenty paintings? I like odd numbers. Maybe twenty-one.

Here’s the 2024 gallery. All of these works are available in the shop.

We Ate in Our Cars: a New Watercolor by Tim Lane

It’s been a minute since I made a watercolor. I’ve been focusing on the larger canvases. As always, attracted to the purples, pinks, emerald green.

Please check out all yoursilentface has to offer, including the links to my two novels. Thank for stopping by.

Taken in direct sunlight. Above capture taken in overcast natural light.

Has This Film Been Made Yet? I Don't Think So. by Tim Lane

Adding this frightening theme to the series. Thank you for visiting the site. Please browse.

The space theme continues, but I’ve begun to think about the mind as a phenomenon within the universe, such as a black hole, wormhole or star.

The concept of the mind is almost as impossible to grasp as space.