I cannot take credit for this photo of the Rusty Nail.
The Rusty Nail was a bar in downtown Flint that went out of business in the late 80s. The spot figures prominently in my semi-autobiographical novel, Your Silent Face, and would have to appear in just about anything I ever wrote about Flint and the 80s. It was that place. The place where regular folks went, where the writers and poets and musicians and creatives went, where the pool players went, where the U of M, Flint students hung out, where the underground crowd went. It was where I first got up on stage and read my poetry, at the age of seventeen. It was where I met one of my best friends in life.
I thought that I would share this photo that a buddy shared to my FB wall this morning. I don’t know who took it. It also captures the Capitol Theater down the street, another spot that appears in my novel. Despite everything else, we had a hell of a lot of fun, or something like that, in downtown Flint in the 80s.
Your Silent Face is available at the Apple Book Store (for iphones, tablets and notebooks), Amazon (for Kindle), or this website (for all devices).
Links below.