Your Silent Face is an 80s coming-of-age novel set in Flint, Michigan, that explores themes of class, family, violence, fitting in, fractured Native American identity and the transition to adulthood. The main character is a first gen college student who is obsessed with 80s New Wave and post punk music and struggles to decide if he should return to school after summer vacation or settle back into the East Side of Flint.
“The reader will likely be reminded of Nick Hornby’s 1995 novel High Fidelity or possibly Richard Linklater’s 1993 film Dazed and Confused….” KIRKUS REVIEWS.
You can find the full review here. Other reviews can be found on Amazon here.
This playlist is a companion to my 80s coming-of-age novel, Your Silent Face. Stuart Page is a protagonist obsessed with 80s New Wave and Ian Curtis, the lead singer of Joy Divison. All of the tunes and bands in the playlist get a mention in the novel. The novel is available on Amazon.
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