Dan Cronin and I have had a few moments in our formative years that we will always cherish. He left this review of Your Silent Face at Amazon. Below the review, I have left the Spotify playlist which is the companion to my novel, as well as links to all the places where my digital novel can be purchased.
Check out other reviews of YSF at Amazon, and find me on Spotify for more 80s playlists.
Oh, I’ve also left Aimee Mann’s single that came out in September—a Leonard Cohen cover of ‘Avalanche.’
Reviewed in the United States on November 6, 2020
Terrific read in these covid times. Take a walk back through the mid 80's as a young adult trying to navigate what it means to leave the family home and establish his (or her) identity. Go back to the underground punk rock shows, the alternative music bars, scraping together the change in your pocket for a final beer at last call.
Clock in at your minimum wage job bagging groceries at your locally owned market looking at your co-workers with equal amount distain, dread, and camaraderie.
Walk through the doors at the clubs. Bask in their music that made the 80s: Joy Division, the Cure, Depeche Mode, or whatever is blasting in your mental playlist.
Who are your friends, your peers? Who do you emulate at the scene? Who have you misjudged and who are you going home with when the bar closes?
I loved being able to revisit this time and this place in my life. Thank you Mr. Lane for picking me up in a beat up Buick Skylark and taking me back to downtown Flint for another visit.
Photo credit: Greg Cristman