The Young American Poets / by Tim Lane

My first edition of Paul Carroll’s anthology from 1968, The Young American Poets, which also happens to be signed by the American poet, Diane Wakoski, has arrived! Over the years, I have owned hardback and paperback versions of this anthology, but I was in dire need of a replacement, having loaned out my copies. It is one of my favorite anthologies.

If you can’t tell, Diane Wakoski is on the front cover, at the apex of the pyramid of blue cubes.

O, happiness. O, purple lilacs! O, red-covered, hefty book of poems.


I would like to thank my friend, Peter Richards, for notifying the universe that I needed this book.

I would like to thank the United States Postal Service for safely delivering this book to my front door.

I would like to thank Third Mind Books in Ann Arbor for their wisdom and foresight.

#DianeWakoski #TheYoungAmericanPoets #60s #poetry #americanpoetry #thirdmindbooks