Artist, mother, daughter, health care worker, creative Fëfé Oráiste ( started working on a body of small watercolors a while back because she needed to know that she was still an artist. She needed more than daily life. When serious creatives get pulled in many directions—by parenthood, day jobs, ailing parents— the concern that we might not get to be creative again, that our creative identity is about to be consumed and snuffed out by life’s obligations, looms real. I remember worrying about this when I was a new parent. I remember wondering while I was fully engaged with my novel if I would ever write poetry again.
So the artist began getting up early to paint. When we first met, she painted. As time went by, she moved into performance. These watercolors are brightly colored and full of personality, and I really like them.
Just wanted to share them with you. If I were still directing a gallery, then there would have been a show.
You can find all of the paintings here.