Your Silent Face

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Processing 2020

2020 has been such an emotional rollercoaster, and the rollercoaster is going to take us right into 2021. I am hoping 2021 is better.

I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to work, reflect and try to grow during 2020. Thankful that my family and friends have remained fairly safe and pulled through some bad moments. Sad that some of them have had some serious struggles and unfortunate outcomes, and sad and angry that so many other people have been experiencing the worst.

I am hoping that science can save us from the worst this pandemic can unleash upon us. I am hoping that more people can continue to lean into changes which result in equality and equity for everyone.

I am thankful for each and everyone of you who has visited my website, browsed the pages, stopped by the store. I am thankful to everyone who has been genuinely interested in my work, and my message, and supported those efforts with purchases. Many, many thanks!

I thought posting this image would be a nice segue into 2021. This painting has stalled over the past two weeks. I like where it is, but I haven’t decided where I want it to go. And so, instead of being the last piece I create in 2020, it will become the first piece I finish in 2021!

And so, here is wishing you a Happy New Year! Be thinking of you.

Unfinished, 36”x24” on canvas.