Your Silent Face

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I received this postcard in the mail today from former schoolmate and author, Gordan Young, who lives in San Francisco. Gordie grew up in one of the Flint Civic Park neighborhoods. He wrote a memoir—Teardown: Memoir of a Vanishing City. Recommended! I have a signed copy. This postcard was printed in 1988 by the Greater Flint Arts Council. The photographer: Kenneth A. Hannon. The image is an iconic, loaded one for any Flint or former Flint resident who is over forty-five years old, and there are no doubt younger well-informed Flintstones who would recognize it. As I turned the postcard over in my hands, I winced and chuckled, chuckled and winced. In true young East Side fashion, I never paid to get into that place, but I did climb on top of it with my buddy, Rob, and, what else, we drank some beers. Great shot, Kenneth; great shot to the gut, Gordie! But we’re still standing, aren’t we.

Go buy Gordie’s book!